Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Social Responsibility of Business Organization | Principles of Management

Social responsibility of business towards shareholders, customers, employees, governments and public

Social Responsibility of Business Organization
It is the obligation of a business organization to protect social norms and rule within which the organization is operating. Social responsibility in business organization pertains to people and organizations behaving and conducting business ethically and with sensitivity towards social, cultural, economic, and environmental issues. Each and every activity in the organization has connection with the society. Business organization has existence in the society, it performs several functions in the society, it also expands and diversify their business activities in the society. So by this far, it is the obvious responsibility of business organization to perform their activities within the existing rules, regulations and norms of society.

An organization consists of shareholders, customers, suppliers and lenders, government, employees and community at large. Their direct or indirect interaction builds complete business organization. Social responsibility of business organization towards them is described as follows;

Towards Shareholders or investors
Social responsibility of business towards its shareholders or investors is most important of all other obligations. If a business satisfies its shareholders, they are likely to invest more money in a project. As a result, more funds will flow in and the same can be utilized to modernize, expand and diversify the existing activities on a larger scale.

Satisfaction of shareholders must be taken into consideration in order to give continuity to business organization. For this purpose, a business organization must provide regular return on investment in terms of dividend, safety of capital investment must be ensured and regular flow of financial and other transaction information must be ensured. To offer reasonable opportunities to shareholders for participating in planning and policy making could encourage them more towards business organization.

Towards Customers
A business is incomplete without customers. The survival and growth of business depends on consumer satisfaction, service and support. The business organization must ensure the satisfaction of the customers. This is possible by fulfilling following social responsibilities towards them;
i)                    Quality of products/services
ii)                   Fair prices of products/services
iii)                 Truthful Advertising
iv)                 After Sales Service
v)                  Research and Development
vi)                 Health and safety of the consumer
vii)               Regular Supply
viii)              Attend Complaints

Towards Employees
Social responsibility of business towards its employees is important because they are the pillar of an organization. If a business takes care of the needs of its human resource wisely, it will boost the motivation and working spirit within an organization. Therefore, the responsibilities of a business organization towards the employees should be fulfilled in proper manner because this will give a greater productivity to the organization. Social responsibilities of business organization towards employees are as follows
i)                    Good working condition and job security
ii)                   Fair wages along with bonus, medical allowance, travelling allowances.
iii)                 Prompt payment
iv)                 Maintained physical and mental atmosphere
v)                  Participation in the management and career development
vi)                 Training, Promotion and welfare schemes
vii)               Proper personnel policies
viii)              Health and safety measures

Towards Government
Social responsibilities of business towards government’s regulatory bodies or agencies are quite sensitive from the license’s point of view. If permission is not granted or revoked abruptly, it can result in huge losses to an organization. Therefore, compliance in this regard is necessary. Some of the social responsibilities of business organization towards government are as follows;
i)                    Respect laws and abide by all established regulations while performing within the jurisdiction of the state
ii)                   Follow government rules, regulations and laws strictly
iii)                 Avoid unfair trade practices
iv)                 Regular and honest tax payment
v)                  Support to solve national problems like unemployment, poverty, illiteracy etc.
vi)                 Licensing an organization
vii)               Seeking permissions wherever necessary

Towards public (society)
Business organizations have responsibilities towards the general public and they are as follows
i)       Protection of environment, check environmental pollution and maintain environmental ecology
ii)           Use available resources properly, take necessary steps for maximum utilization of resources available in the society.
iii)                 No participation in anti-social activities
iv)                 Development of backward regions
v)                  Create employment opportunities for the people.
vi)                 Maintain and develop social and cultural values and norms.
vii)               Organize social welfare programs like health, education, and sports

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